Special MkIV Balloon Campaigns

General Ballooning Info

SOLVE Balloon Campaign (1999-2000)

SOLVE2 Balloon Campaign (Nov-Dec 2002)

SOLVE2 Balloon Campaign (Mar-Apr 2003)

Ft. Sumner Balloon Campaign (Sep 2004)

Ft. Sumner Balloon Campaign (Sep 2005)

Ft. Sumner Balloon Campaign (Sep 2016)

Aura Validation Balloon Campaign (Feb 2006)

Aura Validation Balloon Campaign (Jan/Feb 2007)

Gondola Photos (Oct 23, 2002)

Ground-Based Observations

General Ground-based Info

Ozone Hole Experiment McMurdo, Antarctica (Aug-Nov 1986)

FTS Intercomparison at Table Mountain Facility (Nov 1996)

SOLVE2 Ground-based Observations (Jan-Mar 2003)

Barcroft Ground-based Observations (Oct 1998 to - Jul 2002)

MOHAVE2009 Ground-based Campaign (Oct 2009)

Aircraft Observations

General Aircraft Info

MkIV Deployment History

1984 - MkIV instrument designed and built.
1985 - First ground-based solar absorption spectra from JPL and Table Mountain.
1986 - Ground-based observations from McMurdo, Antarctica
1987 - Airborne measurements over Antarctica from NASA DC-8 aircraft.
1988 - Ground-based observations from Table Mountain Facility.
1989 - Airborne measurements over Arctic from NASA DC-8 aircraft.
1989 - 1'st balloon flight, Ft. Sumner, New Mexico.
1990 - 2'nd balloon flight, Ft. Sumner, New Mexico.
1991 - 3'rd balloon flight, Ft. Sumner, New Mexico.
1992 - Airborne measurements over Arctic from NASA DC-8 aircraft.
1992 - Balloon Campaign, Ft. Sumner, New Mexico (no flight)
1992 - 4'th balloon flight, Ft. Sumner, New Mexico.
1993 - 5'th balloon flight, Daggett, California.
1993 - 6'th balloon flight, Ft. Sumner, New Mexico.
1994 - 7'th balloon flight, Ft. Sumner, New Mexico.
1994 - Ground-based observation from Mt Barcroft (3800m).
1996 - 8'th balloon flight, Lynn Lake, Manitoba.
1996 - 9'th balloon flight, Ft. Sumner, New Mexico.
1996 - FTIR intercomparison, Table Mountain Facility (TMF).
1997 - 10'th balloon flight, Fairbanks, Alaska (May).
1997 - 11'th balloon flight, Fairbanks, Alaska (July).
1997 - Ground-based observations from Fairbanks, March-September
1998 - Ground-based observations from TMF, January-August.
1998 - Deployed to Mt. Barcroft (October) for ground-based observations.
1999 - Returned to JPL from Barcroft (July).
1999 - 12'th Balloon Flight, Esrange, Sweden, (December 3'rd)
2000 - Ground-based observations from Esrange, Sweden, Jan-Mar
2000 - 13'th balloon flight, Esrange, Sweden, (March 15'th)
2000 - Returned to JPL (April-October) for ground-based observations.
2000 - Returned to Mt. Barcroft (October) for ground-based observations.
2002 - Brought to JPL for balloon flight preparations (August).
2002 - Shipped to Esrange, Sweden, for balloon flights.
2002 - 14'th balloon flight, Esrange, Sweden, (Dec 16'th)
2003 - Ground-based observations from Esrange, Sweden, Jan-Mar
2003 - 15'th balloon flight, Esrange, Sweden, (Apr 1'st)
2003 - 16'th balloon flight, Ft. Sumner, New Mexico, (Sep 19'th)
2004 - 17'th balloon flight, Ft. Sumner, New Mexico, (Sep 23'th)
2005 - 18'th balloon flight, Ft. Sumner, New Mexico, (Sep 20'th)
2006 - Shipped to Esrange, Sweden for balloon campaign -- cancelled
2007 - 19'th balloon flight: Esrange, Sweden, Feb 7'th (balloon burst)
2007 - 20'th balloon flight: Esrange, Sweden, Feb 22'nd (balloon burst)
2007 - 21'st balloon flight: Ft. Sumner, New Mexico, (Sep 22/23)
2009 - MOHAVE 2009 Campaign, Table Mountain Facility, California, Nov
2011 - 22'nd balloon flight: Ft. Sumner, New Mexico, (Sep 23/24)
2014 - 23'rd balloon flight: Ft. Sumner, New Mexico, (Sep 13/14)
2016 - 24'th balloon flight: Ft. Sumner, New Mexico, (Sep 27)
2017 - Balloon Campaign: Ft. Sumner, New Mexico, (No flight)
2018 - Balloon Campaign: Ft. Sumner, New Mexico, (No flight)
2019 - 25'th balloon flight: Ft. Sumner, New Mexico, (Oct 7)
2021 - 26'th balloon flight: Ft. Sumner, New Mexico, (Sep 25)
2023 - 27'th balloon flight: Ft. Sumner, New Mexico, (Sep 27)
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